US Customs Maritime Import Shipments (CSTM, WCSTM, MCSTM)


This displays data related to import shipments into the US as reported by Customs and Border Patrol (USCBP). This is the total number of import shipments and includes both containerized and non-containerized goods.

This is available in the follow time frames:

  • Daily – 7-day moving average (CSTM)
  • Weekly (WCSTM)
  • Monthly (MCSTM)


Freight forwarders, NVOCCs, ocean carriers, port authorities, terminals, rail/intermodal companies, financial institutions, brokers, truckload carriers, warehousing companies, and anyone else interested in import volumes.


When a shipment is being cleared for entry into the US, it is documented using the bill of lading which serves as documentation for the financial transaction between the buyer (US importer of record) and the shipper (seller) in a foreign country. This information is reported by US customs on average four to five days after the date that the shipment was actually cleared. Using this data, you are able to understand how US import volumes are trending before they are officially reported by each port authority in their monthly summary of volume statistics (usually comes out around the 15th of the following month.

This index was created with granularities that represent the truckload market where each shipment was cleared by customs as the port of entry into the US.

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