Rail Traffic Originated by (RTO)


Rail Traffic in Carloads by the railroads in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Updated weekly with a two-week lag.

In Sonar the rail traffic is broken down into the following commodities:

RTOA – Rail Traffic by Other Carloads
RTOCH – Rail Traffic Originated by Chemicals
RTOCK – Rail Traffic Originated by Coke
RTOCO – Rail Traffic Originated by Coal
RTOCS – Rail Traffic Originated by Crushed Stone, Sand, and Gravel
RTOFD – Rail Traffic Originated by Food Products
RTOFP – Rail Traffic Originated by Farm Product (Excl Grain)
RTOGM – Rail Traffic Originated by Grain Mill Products
RTOGR – Rail Traffic Originated by Grain
RTOIS – Rail Traffic Originated by Iron and Steel Scrap
RTOLW – Rail Traffic Originated by Lumber and Wood
RTOMO – Rail Traffic Originated by Metallic Ores
RTOMV – Rail Traffic Originated by Motor Vehicles and Parts
RTONM – Rail Traffic Originated by Non Metallic Minerals
RTOPF – Rail Traffic Originated by Primary Forest Products
RTOPM – Rail Traffic Originated by Primary Metal Products
RTOPP – Rail Traffic Originated by Petroleum Products
RTOPU – Rail Traffic Originated by Pulp and Paper
RTOSG – Rail Traffic Originated by Stone, Clay, and Glass Products
RTOWS – Rail Traffic Originated by Waste and Scrap
RTOTC – Rail Traffic Originated by Total Carloads


Economists and Analysts.


As volumes are rising and falling within the various commodity groups economists will use the data to evaluate certain sectors of the economy as well as the economy as a whole.

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